is Gracie Jiu-Jitsu? Is it an art? Is it a sport? Is it a
self-defense system? The truth is Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is all
three. It is an art in that it is a means of self-expression. It
is a sport in that many of the practitioners compete in
tournaments with set rules It is a self defense system in that no other art in the
world has proven more effective in one on one, unarmed, no rules
fighting both in the ring and on the streets.
order to explain a little about the concepts of this art we must
break down its elements. A fight takes place in basically two
ranges. These ranges are striking range (punching and kicking)
and grappling range (grabbing and tying up). Practitioners of
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu generally believe that, because of its
design, the human body is most naturally employed in a fight
when it is grabbing. They believe that it is much more natural
to grapple than to strike. These theories are supported by the
fact that most people with or without previous experience in the
martial arts generally are able to learn ground grappling
tremendously faster than any type of stand up fighting. Also
most fights in the street (about 90%) wind up tied up on the
ground. These theories are also supported by the numerous
victories in no rules fights by grapplers against people who
prefer to punch and kick (There are many examples of Brazilian
Jiu-Jitsu fighters with 1 year of experience defeating in no
rules fights fighters of other arts with 10 or more years of
general strategy of the Jiu-Jitsu fighter when facing an unarmed
opponent is as follows:
close the distance between you and your opponent:
involves getting too close to the opponent to be effectively
hit, and then tying up with them
Take down or throw the opponent:
This is, simply put,
getting the opponent on the ground by whatever means necessary.
End the fight by finishing the opponent on the ground:
This is working for
dominant position (This does not always mean top position.) and
then applying a finishing hold which either attacks a joint or
chokes the opponent or striking (if the position so allows)
until the opponent is no longer a threat.
Many people, who train striking based arts and neglect the
ground fighting aspect of combat (and who have never been in a
fight with a skilled grappler of any style) suffer from the
illusion that it is easy to keep a person trying to close the
distance from doing so. (Royce Gracie, whose family developed
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, has done a great deal to help disillusion
many of the martial artists in the United States by
demonstrating the fallacy of this assumption with his victories
against some of the top strikers in the world in the first four
Ultimate Fighting Championships.)
this art is different from other styles:
art is different from most other martial arts in that it is very
realistic in its training. Here are some of the main reasons why
it's different and why this art is so effective.
We train with the assumption that our opponent will most likely
be larger, stronger, and know how to fight. This is opposed to
many martial arts, which assume the attacker will not be skilled
at fighting.
We fight exactly the way we train. We practice our techniques
exactly the way we do them in a fight. This is opposed to many
martial arts styles which spend hours and hours practicing forms
which scarcely resemble what the person's body will be doing in
an actual fight.
We test everything we do by spending a great deal of time
sparring under varying conditions against people with different
types of training and different body styles. We spar
realistically in our club (full contact) and have rarely had a
serious injury. We also test our abilities in competitions (both
tournament Jiu Jitsu and no rules). This is opposed to martial
artists who say that it is too dangerous to spar or spar
realistically. So they don't.
We are a progressive club. We are always willing to incorporate
techniques, which come from other schools or styles into our
is not our goal to speak against any other style or system of
martial art. We are only against those ideas, which lurk in the
minds of many people today that give false ideas about what is
reality. But for the reasons given above we feel that Brazilian
Jiu-Jitsu is one of the most effective fighting arts in the